Really it's so bad. Teens are in trouble. The teens in my group are laughing and screaming, alone in their rooms or wandering in cars or sitting on zoom-homework or staring or crying at the screen, growing anxious and avoidant and not sleeping.
I am just holding it and holding it, ready to burst myself. There's a hypnosis to it. My voice is rhythmic like a yoga teacher. I am projecting calm if not coma. I give them hope, patience, laughter. I let them cry. I am not afraid of tears. I am medicated and vaccinated and caffeinated. Yes it's true, when my thyroid went offline I got to take a drug that also helps w anxiety. Jackpot!
The kids are not alright but we soldier on. No wonder they want to change gender/friend group/hair/family/school - what else is there to ponder these days? I keep them strong, I ask what they need because only they ultimately know. One said, "I need a friend." Then in the group I asked, would anyone be willing to be her friend? They volunteered one by one. We all cried.
Life is just a game and we let slip away says Seals and Croft. Be patient with yourself. The process works. The girl said, ok I'll talk to my mom even though I am so very angry.
Little tiny hints of Spring take form. Daylight Savings brings a new Vernal Day. You smell it on the wind. I am scared to go forward and scared not to. A lot of people have told me about time. Time is playing a trick on us all more like Russian roulette. Be ready.