After a summer of ups and downs and kids coming and going there tends to be a little whiplash on my end. The good parts outweigh the bad. Is that life? Or is there more thrill, spice, intrigue, mystery and adventure? After two hours of pickleball I'd probably go with, Netflix and chill.
Here are some great stories from the Edge, for those who need some creative and personal inspiration!
I have a client who can detail her every movement but cannot leave the house without overthinking it - we are working on being more spontaneous through thought and movement.
A boyfriend left via ghosting after a year of almost moving in with my client - now she wonders: how do I know if love is real? We are talking about what she has learned in the process.
Client refuses to go on dating apps despite how miserable she is; only dates married guys at work and then says why won’t my life work out? We are exploring more practical approaches.
Client is dating but gets attached and then abandoned. Figure out what is not working? Could it be the overthinking?
Client gets late eval for depression and ADHD in the summer of her senior year of HS - wondering how to navigate college with these conditions. Working on advocating at the student disabilities center...
Male client realizes that ADHD can’t be an excuse for treating girls badly; figuring out how to be more respectful - connecting it to relationship with his mom.
Client wants to go to college - gets no help from family whatsoever - makes it to college by herself - but now struggles with panic. Working on releasing pent-up feelings of resentment.
Middle school child's parents do not understand how their wildly rocky relationship impacts their very bright kid; also how can I go to the mall if I can’t get back? Talking about consequences.
Client's drug experimentation in HS causes mom to cancel her group therapy where she was feeling more normalized.
Mother tried a $3,000K brain-mapping program (which didn't work) for her depressed child instead of therapy.
Tiger parents cause unnecessary stress: I say, "She's 13!!! What can she possibly understand about college at this moment?"
Client complained of paralyzing anxiety due to working overnight at race-track; when asked about his habits, he reported imbibing 14 cups of coffee per day/panic. After reduction, symptoms abated.
Client in social work grad school facing rising antisemitism on campus; start by validating her situation.
Tenth grader is fearful that someone might see her crying outside the school bathroom, not because she was upset, but rather, what if someone noticed she was alone? CBT to help realize that nobody is surveying her every mood; they are too self-conscious themselves!
Note to self: please don't become a therapist because you think it's an EASY gig.